Te Aroha

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What's On?

Te Aroha Dramatic Society presents - ENCHANTED APRIL
Thursday 30 March 2017, from 02:00pm

A story of love, friendship and rediscovery by Matthew Barber from the novel by Elizabeth von Armin and directed by Ian HarropThis is an enjoyable play – classed as a “romantic comedy”.  It is set in the 1920s and explores friendships, relationships with good characterisation and humour thrown in. Dates are -

30/31 March @8.00pm

01 April @2.00pm

5/6/7/8 April @ 8.00pm

Location : Te Aroha Little Theatre Rewi St, Te Aroha
Contact : Piako Stationery 07 884 9110
Tickets $20.00 from Piako Stationery

Event date range

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