Te Aroha

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No. 2 Bath House

Te Aroha Domain, 5B Boundary St, Te Aroha 3320


Located within the Swim Zone Te Aroha complex, this beautiful bath house has been painstakingly restored. Retaining its Edwardian charm, the No 2 Bath House has a few modern touches like an infinity wall and glass viewing panels. The temperature of the naturally hot soda water is 70°C and is cooled to 40°C for comfort. Come and experience 'taking the waters' how it was 100 years ago.

To book the No. 2 Bath House - https://www.swimzonepools.co.nz/our-facilities/number-2-bath-house







  • Te Aroha Domain, 5B Boundary St, Te Aroha 3320

Additional Details

Swim Zone Te Aroha
07 884 4498
see website
PO Box 244 Te Aroha 3324