Te Aroha

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What's On?

ANZAC Day Civic Service
Thursday 25 April 2019, from 10:15am

Te Aroha Civic Service

The parade will muster at the RSA at 10:15am.

Members of the public are welcome to join the parade.

The service will be held at the Te Aroha War Memorial Clock on Kendrick Street at 10:30am.

If it is raining there will be no parade, the service will be held at the RSA and everyone involved in the parade is asked to meet at the RSA at 10:00am.

Retreat - The flag will be lowered at the club rooms at 5:00pm.


Location : Te Aroha RSA, 67 Rewi Street, Te Aroha
Contact : Te Aroha RSA 07 884 8124 or www.tearoharsa.co.nz

Event date range

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