Te Aroha

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Club & Community Events

Sunday 20 January 2019, from 09:00am

Otawa Trig – Papamoa

Enjoy a walk through attractive lowland forest dominated by Tawa and Rewarewa. 

Entering the forest, this track follows the gently undulating ridgeline to Otawa Trig. 

Visitors can retrace their steps or continue along the track, which then descends steeply to meet the Otawa Reservoir Track. 

400 metres past the Otawa Trig, a branch to the right leads to Otanewainuku. 

This track crosses private land and is not regularly maintained by DOC. 

About 4 hours return

Location : Te Aroha Domain 102 Whitaker Street Te Aroha
Contact : Colin 07 884 9308 or Michele 07 884 9426

Event date range

Hits : 846